How can you socialize a St Bernard puppy?


Just like any type of dog breed, a St Bernard should experience initial socialization to be a proper dog. While a St Bernard is generally a friendly animal, the dog should learn proper manners too ensure proper interaction with other animals and people. As these dogs are big in size, they are not aware that their stature can make it tough to create a friendship with people.

The most vital thing to keep in mind while looking for cheap Saint Bernard puppies for sale is that this dog is not aggressive. As a matter of fact, the dog is a very good watch dog and will surely bark at unknown people to alert their master about their presence. They will generally be friendly to everyone.

Before you look for Saint Bernard puppies for sale Facebook, you should know that these dogs love around new animals and people, as they are quite friendly and doesn't show aggression, never they face any kind of aggression problems. This implies that St Bernard doesn't have a tendency to fight with unknown dogs, regardless they are male or female. They need to be properly trained right from their birth. Not much training is required for socialization. After buying through offers of Saint Bernard puppies for sale from breeders, you can start taking the puppy to obedience training classes. They will be taught some basic commands to sit or lie down. He will learn to listen to you and to interact with other dogs. He should know how to stay in a seated position and not to jump on strangers or other dogs. Make sure that the dog is socialized and trained before allowing them to play with other dogs. 

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