Select the Best Home for a Saint Bernard Puppy to be rehomed


The Saint Bernard can even be kept in an apartment if walked often. They are better suited to a fenced in enclosure for exercise. AKC Saint Bernard Puppies are said to be easy to train. It might be a good idea to obedience train early as this breed becomes very large and can be hard to handle even for the strongest person. They can get along well with other pets, especially if well socialized with them early on. They generally love children. As a reminder, never leave a child unsupervised with a puppy or dog. The approximate adult size (two years old or older) of the Saint Bernard is 24 to 28 inches to the withers (highest point of the shoulder) and 110 to 200 pounds.

How to Choose the Right Shelter Dog for You and Your Family?

Often dogs are "free to a good home" for a reason and shelter dogs have been surrendered or abandoned for a reason also. So it is best to be fully aware of what you are getting into before you make the wrong choice and have to make the heart breaking decision to return the dog.

Choosing the right dog in the first place will save you a lot of trouble in the weeks following taking the dog home. It is important that you don't let your heart rule your head and choose a dog because of its looks or size. We rehomed one of the ugliest dogs in the world that turned out to be one of the most settled and loyal dogs we would ever met. There is Saint Bernard Puppies for Rehoming successfully in some situations when all the facts would leave us believe that they are unsuitable.

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